I'm willing to bet we all deal with
family drama on a regular basis. If “Family” had a middle name, I
think “Conflict” might be it. That's just the nature of any
relationship, whether it be with ourselves, with our partners, or
with family. Tension tugs, it's just what it does.
My family, at least a section of it,
has a history, a karma, of walking on eggshells around each other.
The funny thing is, we are a group of very strong-willed, passionate,
intense individuals, but once together, the number of bit tongues and
closed lips is astonishing.
This isn't to say that we have to be
intentionally hurtful. But I believe that speaking from the heart
sometimes creates discomfort for others, and that is not our
burden(karma) to bear. May we be aware and take responsibility for
our actions, but not take responsibility for another's REaction.
While we impress upon each other like a dance of give and take, there
is very little we can ever truly control.
Here is what has been on my heart: How
do we respond when we feel trodden on?
That feeling is very real, and can be
very powerful and lasting if allowed to linger. Victimhood, shame,
guilt, unsafe, trapped, violated. Yes, violated.
Violation occurs when we let it occur,
and let's be honest, it occurs sometimes. Is it your fault? No. What
responsibility can you take from the rubble to better understand
yourself, and ah! Better understand the other person? The Other. Also
known as, the Mirror to your own Heart.
We can think of it like magnets. What
happens when the same polar end of two magnets attempt to come into
contact? There are a couple choices: continue to try and mash the
ends together or turn, change direction. Change your point of view.
Ultimately that does not have to change any decisions you make, but
the intention may start to shift from anger to compassion.
I offered myself a piece of advice
after my first heartbreak years ago that has served me well: if
something creates a strong reaction in you, give it 24 hours. Time
and time again, the anger fades from my soul, and leaves a beautiful
product: clarity. Anger is a lightening strike. Sudden, vivid,
untamed, and it leaves an imprint: something is not right. Whether
that suffering is caused by the situation, or the perspective is
something only by the individual can answer.
After the reaction, what is your
response? This question is one to ask at any moment, when alone, or
with family, or with friends. Whether we inflict harsh judgment on
ourselves, or on others, it still tears a hole in the fabric of a
Human Being. Can we be both firm and loving?